003 - First Words

How to you open a scene? A short story? A novel? What are some great openings? And what, pray tell, is a podcasting robot, and what does it do? Stephanie and Trevor explore writing the first words of a new work, and their new digital friend says their first words, too. You should write some words!

Our first flash fiction prompt is now available! Check out the Flash Fiction page for more!

Steph’s Recommendations

Saw X

"I can't stop thinking about it. I adored it. The first is a masterpiece, it works perfectly as a standalone film. [But] as a fan of the franchise, Saw X is the perfect Saw film."

Jeff Strand, "Clowns vs. Spiders" (audiobook)

"You get exactly what the title says you're going to get. It was silly and wonderful and I was not disappointed. There were even things I did not expect, like the clowns themselves - I was not expecting him to go in that direction with their character development, but he did and it was beautiful. Highly recommend, unless you're an arachnophobe."

Trevor’s Recommendations

China Mieville, "Railsea"

"I am about 2/3 of the way through. That is going to be a very enthusiastic recommendation in an upcoming episode."

Elamin Abdulmahmoud, "Son of Elsewhere"

"It's so beautifully and intimately written. I have never been so interested in hearing about someone's past writing WWE fan fiction - I have read some very good novels recently, and I was more invested in his WWE fan fics than [any of those narratives]. It is one of my favourite Canadian works... in terms of negotiating what a Canadian identity does and doesn't means and has to and doesn't have to mean. A really lovely piece of writing."


004 - Preptober


002 - Getting to Know You