A fractured screen displays glitchy words "WRITING AND ROBOTS" superimposed on a gradient of colours.

A podcast dedicated to the joy of writing and the genres that inspire us.

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Recent Episodes

  • Ep. 007 - Beta Reading

    Stephanie and Trevor discuss beta reading and feedback, taking notes, and the differences between alpha, beta and other types of editing and feedback.

  • 006 - Writing when Writing is your Job

    Ep. 006 - Writing When Writing is Your Job

    Stephanie and Trevor discuss writing creatively when your day job also involves writing. Stephanie administers a test on Bishop.

  • Episode 005 - Writer's Block.

    Ep. 005 - Writer's Block

    Bishop receives some upgrades. Stephanie and Trevor tackle their differering experiences with writer's block.

  • 004 - Preptober

    Ep. 004 - Preptober

    Steph and Trevor reflect on past NaNoWriMo wins and losses and how to set yourself up for success for NaNo 2023.

  • A cobbled-together pile of electronics, featuring speakers and microphones.

    Ep. 003 - First Words

    How do you open a scene? How do you start a short story? How do you write the first chapter of a novel? And what, pray tell, is a podcasting robot?

  • 002 - Getting to Know You

    Ep. 002 - Getting to Know You

    Meet Steph and Trevor and hear about their writing lives, the projects that define them, and their hopes and dreams for the show. Plus, their first recommendations.

  • Episode 001 - Trailer

    Ep. 001 - Trailer

    The Writing and Robots trailer.

Latest Flash Fiction Prompt

“You wake up. It’s five o’clock. You make coffee and go about your day. Time passes and you look at the clock again. It’s still five o’clock.”

Trevor’s Latest Recommendation

“There are very specific writing things that I absolutely adore. First, it’s a masterclass in generating buy-in from the audience… If you are thinking about having some wild stuff happening with your setting, watch what they do in Mr. and Mrs. Smith to generate buy-in. Second, it is espionage nonsense, there are very heightened situations… but the way they keep naturalistic dialogue and characterization in those moments is just *chef’s kiss.*”

- on Mr. and Mrs. Smith on Amazon Prime

Stephanie’s Latest Recommendation

“The performance [Wil Wheaton] gives is perfect. At the time I was listening, I was commuting to my mom’s apartment to work from her place… I’m pretty sure people thought I was insane because I was laughing and trying not to be the crazy person on the bus. This one hit all the right notes for me.”

- on the audiobook for Jon Scalzi’s Starter Villain

Meet the Hosts

Learn more about the people behind the voices who do the writing that the podcast is about.